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-Coal (all types)- 492.7 billion short tons..Currently 54% (266 billion short tons)of the total is
considered recoverable with current mining techniques,but that can change as new extraction
methods are developed.The United States consumes about 1 billion tons of coal annually,which
means at current consumption rates (which may reduce if nuclear power begins to offset coal in the
production of electricity)we have about 266 years of currently recoverable coal left.

The United States not only imports crude oil,but refined gasoline (about 10% of our total gasoline
usage) from Venezuela,the Caribbean and Europe.These imports result from limited refinery capacity.
The last new refinery to open in the United States was in 1976. Limited refinery capacity results from
a number of factors including environmental opposition, highly restrictive government regulations,and
market projections that suggest that oil usage will peak in about five years, causing oil companies to
hesitate to build new refineries and get stuck with unused capacity. Limited refinery capacity also
translates into low levels of gasoline stocks on hand during any given week, which contributes directly
to linkage of gasoline prices at the pumps to the price of crude oil on the world market. Additional
strain is placed on American refineries because of local fuel formulation standards requiring scores of
unique formulations.

Nuclear power provides 19% of the electricity consumed in the United States.8 Coal remains the
largest sources of electrical power at 49% while natural gas fired electrical plants provide 20% of our
electricity. With increasingly safe nuclear technology available and greatly improved means of
recycling nuclear waste,there is no logical reason why nuclear technology cannot produce virtually all
American electricity - freeing up natural gas and coal for other uses..For example, safe and efficient
nuclear power provides 78% of France ’s electrical needs. There are 103 licensed reactors at 65 sites in 31
states generating electricity at approximately 90% of capacity, yet no new plants have opened in
nearly 30 years due to environmental opposition (remarkable given that nuclear plants emit little or no
greenhouse gasses), safety concerns, controversy over nuclear waste, and the “not in my backyard ”
syndrome. Beginning with the Energy Policy Act of 2005, however, the US Government has taken
steps to encourage nuclear development and as of March 9, 2007, twelve companies have announced
plans to file applications for development of 34 new units.9

National Security Issues:

1. Dependence of foreign sources of energy (particularly oil and natural gas) puts the United States at risk from foreign state owned oil companies. Some of those nations, particularly Iran, provide significant funding to terrorists including training and equipment for individuals killing American and Iraqi soldiers in Iraq. Other nations, such as Saudi Arabia, are home to individuals and organizations that provide support and funding to terrorists. It is unconscionable that American dollars spent of foreign oil end up resourcing terrorists intent on killing us and destroying our way of life.

2. Importation of 10.10 million barrels of crude oil a day10 at $150 dollars per barrel means that the US is hemorrhaging $1,515,000,000 per day - contributing significantly to our international trade deficit, weakening the dollar and placing ourselves at further national security risk. The amount of money that we pay for foreign crude oil in 67 days will fund the war in Iraq and Afghanistan for a year .11 A weakened dollar encourages investors and nations to divest.




8. “Net Generation by Energy Source by Type of Produce ”, EIA, October 22, 2007
9. “Nuclear Power :Outlook for New U.S. Reactors ”, Congressional Research Service, March 9, 2007
10 Ibid.
11 War funding estimate of $100 billion annually based on data available in a Congressional Research Service report