Special Report:
Battle Lines Form Up Gulf War Veterans Demand The Truth
Posted on August 31, 2009 by DSNurse
Veterans and Civilians your voice Must be heard on the issue
of VA Cancellation of Critical contract with UTSW! Why Is This Contract
So Critical and Why Was It Cancelled?
me see if I can put it in real terms. This research at UTSW Medical
in Dallas had concentrated on finding the Neurological Damage done to
Gulf War Veterans. A test was developed using FMI Neuro Imaginary to
accurately show neurological damage done. This testing is using a cutting
edge diagnostic tool. Dr Hailey had interacted with SMU in developing
this cutting edge diagnostic tool.
Simply stated they can show the damage in this new Neurological Diagnostic
Test. So this is why VA chose at this point to kill the contract made
with UTSW Medical School. The truth is in our bodies and they do not
want the truth to be known!
In effect, the government thru the VA IG decided now they have to cut
this off to deny the Gulf War Veterans the proof in their bodies that
show YES you were damaged in serving your country and this should be
presumed Service Connected in Disability!
Everyone always says follow the money. Will the money would have to
be in the end going to Veterans of the Gulf War for Compensation and
for Health Care. The money would have to be directed to finding treatment
to the veterans to address this brain damage.
Diagnosis and Treatment has been our call since 1996 at the First Unity
Conference on Gulf War Veterans in Dallas, Texas. WE are so close to
have the door slammed close in our faces is unconscionable, immoral,
and unethicable.
Is this the first time we have been blocked? No, the Gerry Lab at Tulane
University had a test developed to detect squalene antibodies(Anthrax
Vaccine) and had applied for a patent on that test. The DOD filed a
cross patent on that same test. Again, a move by government to block
the Gulf War Veterans from getting the Diagnostic testing that would
prove Service Connection.
This is why this is so unconscionable, the government is standing in
the way of getting you diagnosed and service connected for your injuries
during the Gulf War 1990-91. WE can not let this stand!
Get on the phones, emails, faxes, letters tell your Senator and Representative
what is really at stake here! Get a response from them! We need to know
where they stand NOW! Is this a party issue ie Democrats vs Republicans?
Is this a way to cut veterans money to pay for Health Care Reform for
America? Get on your talk radio. local television station, your local
newspapers NOW! Get out there with poster board signs in front of your
Senators offices in home state NOW! IT IS NOW OR NEVER!
Special Report: Gulf War Illnesses and the Cover
Posted on August 30, 2009 by DSNurse
How Do I go on? I am not sure. I ask all my veterans and civilian friends
to unite and further distribute news of all the facts. The Gulf War
Veterans are ill and are DYING! This is beyond sitting and just reading.
The Government now for 18 years has refused to respond in the appropriate
manner to an issue of life and death. This insane situation must come
to the full light of day!
Most of the Gulf War Veterans feel it is just like Agent Orange or the
Atomic Veterans, not enough of us have died yet for the government to
tell the truth. They feel the government is just holding the cost of
care and claims benefit cost down. But I feel this is more insidious!
This situation is lawlessness inflicted upon the Gulf War Veterans.
There is corruption and malfeasance at work big time here!
If this government wants to talk health care then I think it is Priority
number one to speak out on Gulf War Illness. AS many have read we were
exposed to so many hazardous substances and then if you look at synergistic
effects it just leaves you spinning.
It started with all the money that was being spent on finding answers
from 1992 forward to have been on PTSD and Stress. The VA Research Advisory
Committee in 2004 said no in NO uncertain terms it was NOT STRESS! IT
WAS NOT PTSD. But still the money kept being spent in that direction
by both DOD and VA.
Each year when the list of studies were put out of what VA was spending
our taxes on in order to find the answers to gulf war illness we found
stress, PTSD and psychological researchers were still getting the money
and funds for gulf war illness. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson did the
only thing she could take the money that was being misspent and try
to find a place that would take this seriously.
Yes it just so happenned that one of the few people in this country
that had listened to gulf war veterans ie the Naval Seabees was Mr Ross
Perot. He had believed the veterans and went to UTSWMed and ask the
chancellor to find someone to look into this objectively. That is how
DR Robert Haley was brought forward into this battle.
The battle has been waging since 1994-5. I have been there and watched
the attacks and the counterattacks. One might think it was some grand
football rivalry but it is not it is the fight for Gulf War Veterans.
Other researchers have jumped in and out and done good work. But no
one else seemed to have a champion in the battle like UTSWMED with MR
It has been a real nasty dirty fight! The last killing blow was someone
in the VA OIG shop did the hatchet job for someone else higher in the
channel and somehow a WW2 Veteran that is a powerful senator got into
the nasty battle.
So the VA cut funding to the UTSWMED Research and the Gulf War Veterans
LIVES are on the line.
And yet the story does not hit the National News Big Time. It has left
the Gulf War Veterans in a state of Shock! People this Demands a full
all out attack from all sides! WE need FULL INVESTIGATIONS.
This is big and we need big time help. There are so many fingers in
this pie and we have inept and not honorable people involved that are
not doing the right thing. That is Quit Wasting Time, Tell the whole
Truth and nothing but the truth, and get busy SAVING LIVES! The Gulf
War Veterans Are Not Getting better they are continuing Deteriorating
Health Wise, Economically, and Socially.
WE have Foxes guarding the hen house. The Foxes being those that have
let this situation get worse by not dealing truthfully and be complacent
to outright crimes against their own veterans.
News: UTSW Medical Contract for Gulf War Illness
Canceled by VA
As a doctor, I committed myself many years ago to helping others through
medicine. Research for undiagnosed or unknown illnesses is a critical
part of providing care to patients.
So I was disappointed to hear that the Veterans Administration has
decided to terminate its contract with the UT Southwestern Medical Center
conducting research on Gulf War Syndrome. An estimated 175,000 to 210,000
veterans of the Persian Gulf War suffer multiple chronic symptoms that
are considered to fall under the definition of Gulf War syndrome, according
to the VA's own research. These dedicated Americans depend on the vital
research being led by Dr. Robert Haley and his staff at UT Southwestern.
Their work has advanced not only medicine's understanding of Gulf War
syndrome, but also holds the promise to benefit research for ailments
suffered by non-veterans, including chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
I was pleased when in 2006, UT Southwestern and the VA established
a dedicated collaborative Gulf War illness research initiative. When
we are this close to major medical breakthroughs on Gulf War syndrome,
our course should not be diverted.
I have asked the VA to reconsider canceling the funding for Dr. Haley's
breakthrough research, and I am hopeful they will carefully consider
my request.
U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Flower Mound